So I live in eastern time and was having a sale on Urban Decay today starting at 8am pacific time. What that means is, I had to do my shopping in class! I'm in Western Civilization shopping and blogging! I'm just too excited about all my new goodies! Since I have the time I thought I would just go ahead and haul my Urban Decay purchase!

I got both blushes that were on sale. These colors are (left to right) Score and Quickie. Score is more of a coral whereas, Quickie is more pink. I've recently become obsessed with blush, so I had to get both! The normally retail for $17 each and Hautelook had them for $5 each!

I got 4 single eye shadows. The colors on the top are Gash and Jones. I love these colors! I always grab for reds and oranges!
Below, the colors are Chronic and Narcotic. I choose these because you can't have too many blues in your eye shadow collection. Chronic is more of a sea foam green blue, and Narcotic is a darker version of Chronic. The bottom shadows are both matte.
Each eyeshadow is normally $17 but I got these $5 each.
Then also for eyes, I got the Summer of Love palette. This comes with a 24/7 eyeliner and a small primer potion! I just randomly picked this up. It retails normally for $29 and I got it for $15.
Last but not least I got the Ink for Eyes cream eyeliner in the shade Pyrotechnics. I just wanted to try out their cream eyeliners and Pyrotechnics is an interesting white shade.
This is normally $22 and it was on sale for $6.50.
All in all it was a good sale! I spent around $57
and my total discount was over $110!
Check this sale out at
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Happy Shopping!