Friday, February 25, 2011

not lacking with the lacquer

This is my nail polish collection.
It consist of OPI, ELF, Essie, Sally Hansen, NYC, Orly, Colorworks, and Ulta 

My Favorites:


  Left to right:
-       Sun-body Loves Me

-       Paint My Moji-toes Red
-       Milano Tomato
-       Houston We Have a Purple
-       25 Colorful Years
-       Can you Tapas This?
-       Here Today…Argon Tomorrow

I love OPI nail polishes because they have cute names and the color pigments are great!
The only down side is that OPI costs $8.50 and I find that a little pricey and there are tons of great drug store brands that do just as well! 


  Left to right:
-       Chubby Cheeks
-       Turquoise and Caicos

Essie is a great nail polish brand. They specialize in pastel colors. So if you are into light pinks and other soft colors then Essie is the right nail polish for you! It cost around 7 to 8 dollars, so its about the same as OPI.


Left to right:
-       Innocent
-       Bubble Gum Pink
-       Teal Blue
-       White
-       Mint Cream
-       Lilac
-       Golden Goddess

Elf is a great makeup company that has a diverse amount of everything beauty related. I recently ordered these nail polishes online and I was so surprised on how much I love these. At 1 dollar a pop, these nail polishes are amazing! I'm in love with the color Innocent! Nude colors are in this season. And they have many different colors to choose from. You also can't really find Elf products in stores so online is really the only place you can find the nail polish. On a brighter
side, they have great shipping deals and other great coupons all the time. 


  Left to right:
-       Emerald City
-       Mint Sorbet
-       Lacey Lilac
-       Blue Me Away(x2)
-       Sun Kissed
-       Cherry Red
-       Black Out
-       Strobe Light
-       Disco Ball

Sally Hansen Hard As Nails Xtreme Wear is the official title of these great nail polishes! I love this brand so much! Its comparable to OPI with the colors and the pigment. I'm addicted to Blue Me Away so one day I was at Walmart and I just had to pick up a second bottle in case my other would run out! Hahaha I recently picked up the Lacey Lilac and I've been wearing it every day since! These polishes are also very affordable. They run about 2 to 3 dollars. Its great quality for less and I love that!


Seche Vite is a popular top coat that you can only get at certain stores. It runs about 10 to 12 dollars and its a great product! A comparable product is the Sally Hansen Ista-Dri Anti Chip Top Coat. I love this top coat and it works just as well as the Seche Vite! 

I store my polishes in this basket. Its not the greatest but it gets the job done!

And last but not least, my favorite nail polish remover is the Walmart brand that only costs a dollar! It gets the job done and its cheap!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Retread Forever

    Recently, (meaning the past 3 days) I've been trying out the triple strength conditioner from Lush. Tread is a sulfate free conditioner that helps moisturize your hair. I'm just going to be honest, the product has a terrible smell. But the results I've received from this conditioner made up for the icky stench! In the past 3 days, my split ends have been repaired (not fully, but has a promising future).
    Quick story time: All of my life I have had short hair styles. About 3 years ago I cut all my hair off in hope to look like Katie Holmes. This hair style wasn't the most flattering for my chubby round face, but I went for it anyways. Ever since I cut it super short for the second time (to fix the awkward growing out stage) I have been growing my hair out. My ideal goal is to cut it went I move for "big girl" college in the fall of 2011. So because I have yet to cut my hair in 2 years, my ends are dry and split! I've tried tons of drug store treatments, and they never seemed to get the job done completely. On a cold February night, I decided to splurge and buy a hair treatment from my favorite homemade cosmetic store (Lush). The girl helping me told me that for my hair I should try something for everyday repair and she guided me to the Retread. I made the biggest mistake ever. I bought a product without giving it a huge whiff!
    I'm actually glad I didn't smell it in the store. Cause then I wouldn't have smooth and soft hair today! I really recommend this conditioner...despite the horrid smell. After I wash my hair, I only apply Retread to the ends and the neck part of my hair, then I rinse.
    Another weird thing about Retread that was hard to get used to was the fact that when you rinse your hair it isn't the typical conditioner smooth (you know what I'm talking about). This is because the product is sulfate free. Yay! I'm a noob to sulfate free hair care products, but now I'm forever a huge fan!

Product Link:

Happy Showering!


Monday, February 21, 2011

weekly greeting

1. Mood: 
   content and full!

2. A delectable dish you couldn’t live without?

    party pizza

3. Favorite way to unwind?

    lush...lots of lush!

4. Outfit:

    robot boxers and twloha t shirt

5. Least favorite word:
    the "c" word

6. Celebrity who would ideally play you in a movie:
    keira knightley

7. All-time favorite lipgloss:

    not much of a lipgloss lipstick...

8. Best memory of your pet?

    when he came home and ran around the yard for the first time!

9. What’s for lunch?

    it was a tomato and mozzarella from panera

10. Weekly goals: 

      eat something not processed and like it

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lush Haul/ Review

Products I bought:

- Brazened Honey Facial Mask
              This is the best thing I've ever got from Lush! This facial mask is amazing! You put it on for 5 to 10 minutes and it reduces your pores and clears up any active acne. I saw a difference in one use and now I am obsessed! Just ask the sales person for the Brazened Honey facial mask from the fridge.

             I loved this bath bomb! It has blue glitter on the inside and smells amazing! I'm definitely going to repurchase this bath bomb!

             I have yet to use this great smelling bath bomb, but I'm excited to!

             I've heard great things about this product. The guy working told me to get this. I haven't used it yet but you rub it on your body and let it sit for awhile then wash it off. I'm excited to use this!

              This is my favorite bath bomb from Lush! It has gold glitter in the middle and it smells great! I've bought this many times before and will again!

              This is apart of the valentine's day collection. I'm excited to try this bath bomb!

               This bath bomb smells soooo good! I've never used it but I'm excited to try it out

                This emotibomb is amazing! I love using these in the shower! When I'm sick, it clears my sinuses and makes me feel better! 

                I so far really like this soap! Its very exfoliating for my skin! 

I love Lush so much! All of their products are amazing! Just ask the person working what they love and its always a great help!

Happy Shopping, 
