Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Retread Forever

    Recently, (meaning the past 3 days) I've been trying out the triple strength conditioner from Lush. Tread is a sulfate free conditioner that helps moisturize your hair. I'm just going to be honest, the product has a terrible smell. But the results I've received from this conditioner made up for the icky stench! In the past 3 days, my split ends have been repaired (not fully, but has a promising future).
    Quick story time: All of my life I have had short hair styles. About 3 years ago I cut all my hair off in hope to look like Katie Holmes. This hair style wasn't the most flattering for my chubby round face, but I went for it anyways. Ever since I cut it super short for the second time (to fix the awkward growing out stage) I have been growing my hair out. My ideal goal is to cut it went I move for "big girl" college in the fall of 2011. So because I have yet to cut my hair in 2 years, my ends are dry and split! I've tried tons of drug store treatments, and they never seemed to get the job done completely. On a cold February night, I decided to splurge and buy a hair treatment from my favorite homemade cosmetic store (Lush). The girl helping me told me that for my hair I should try something for everyday repair and she guided me to the Retread. I made the biggest mistake ever. I bought a product without giving it a huge whiff!
    I'm actually glad I didn't smell it in the store. Cause then I wouldn't have smooth and soft hair today! I really recommend this conditioner...despite the horrid smell. After I wash my hair, I only apply Retread to the ends and the neck part of my hair, then I rinse.
    Another weird thing about Retread that was hard to get used to was the fact that when you rinse your hair it isn't the typical conditioner smooth (you know what I'm talking about). This is because the product is sulfate free. Yay! I'm a noob to sulfate free hair care products, but now I'm forever a huge fan!

Product Link: http://www.lushusa.com/shop/products/hair/conditioners/retread

Happy Showering!


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